Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Imbalance of Microflora

SBH4 col3 dp1

Living in, and on, the human body are many "friendly" microbes which share a symbiotic relationship with us. They can live in the intestines, skin and mucous membranes. They can provide a particular function or compete with potential pathogens.

An imbalance of these "friendly" microbes can cause disease. The yeast, Candida albicans, which is always present in low numbers in the mouth, anus and vagina can grow rapidly when the normal balance is disrupted. This disease is called "Thrush" or Candida.

How can this disease result? What causes the imbalance?
What are the symptoms of this disease?

Monday, June 1, 2009


SBH3 col3 dp2

  • Gather and process information to trace the historical development of our understanding of the cause and prevention of malaria.
CDC site
RPH site

SBH3 col3 dp3
  • Identify data sources, gather process and analyse information from secondary sources to describe one named infectious disease in terms of its: cause, transmission, host response, major symptoms, treatment, prevention, control
WHO site
Malaria Database
Better Health